What to do with 2017 ?
War, misery, violence, intolerance and egoism are
(amongst other horrors) the great victors of the struggles of this year 2016...
I can’t imagine that we reproduce this, one more year…
Today, I urge us all, atheists or believers, regardless of the Gods you
venerate and the faith communities to which you belong: If, in 2017, you
finally apply the precepts that you all claim to be essential in the wisdom of
your books, holy or secular?
Do what you say…
In all your speeches, preaching and sermons, there are nothing but fraternity, respect, sharing and love...
Yet: you are present on all the battlefields, in all the carnage and mass graves, in all the horrors that the concupiscent media tell us.
So, I implore you… instead of following blindly the preachers from all fronts, if you take the time to look at yourself in a mirror to ask you, but really ask you, sincerely: what am I responsible for? What can I do concretely to change things?
By way of a greeting card for this year 2017
Because we can, all do something about. Truly!
Ia orana ite matahiti api 2017 !
An article
of Julien Gué
Translated from French by Monak
Julien Gué. Ask for the author’s agreement before any reproduction of text
or images on Internet, traditional press or elsewhere.
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