
mardi 4 février 2014

International Festival of the Oceanian Movie 2014

FIFO 2014: filming!

For this eleventh edition of the Polynesian feast of the documentary cinema, from 03 till 09 February2014, Tahiti becomes the screen of the South Pacific…

This year still, the Cultural House of Papeete, Te Fare Tauhiti Nui, puts every effort into welcoming the FIFO. Festival-goers, members of the jury, participants of all kinds, journalists and, of course, all the movies are firmly expected…

The FIFO 2014 seen by Polynesia 1st
As for all the previous editions, it’s with impatience and greediness, that we get ready for this event. This greediness, you suspect it, will not prevent us from saying what disturbs us if it’s necessary, our role not being to express something else than the reality which we live.

Ask for the program!
This year still, besides movies in competition (there are 14) and movies out of competition (they are 19), numerous workshops, diverse animations, conferences and debates are planned.

All the details of the program are very easily accessible on the official site of the demonstration. And to reach it directly, you just have to click here: 11ème FIFO.

The poster of the FIFO 2014
A site which is improving year by year and which contains all the programming, news and index cards about all the presented movies. Even if some imperfections irritate little. For example, a gallery of photos where none of the proposed clichés is captioned, what there is no way to know who is who…

Jury and swearwords
The Oscar-winning French director for “The walking of the emperor”, Luc Jacquet is responsible for chairing this year a jury which seems, a priori, more competent than those of the previous editions.

Luc Jacquet, foreman at the jury of the 11th FIFO
We are however entitled to ask about the cinematic skills of both Polynesian members of this jury. The one being manager of a pole of communication in a public service and the another, presenter of television… Nevertheless the professionals of documentary movie exist in the fenua, and they are recognized internationally!!! It’s necessary to thank the sponsors, but do we have to make it at the expense of the credibility of the event?

In the same way, we can wonder why the SAJ, Syndicate of the Authors and the Journalists of French Polynesia, which includes number of talents and skills working for the broadcasting on the fenua and sowewhere else, is invited in none of the workshops or Round Tables to think about the various problems that arise in these occupations…

Movies in competition
At the risk of repeating us from one year to the next, the fact that American, Austrian or French movies are selected to be presented in a festival of the Oceanian cinema, leaves us perplexed. So, four French productions for only a Polynesian… Plus an English and an American film… On fourteen selected works, this is all the same a big percentage.

“Bucksin”, Dylan Mc Donald’s Australian movie
But let us not deny a good thing: even if the subjects proposed this year by the official selection seems to us  much less original and fascinating than last year, we wait  to see “Bucksin” of the Australian Dylan Mc Donald, or “Papuans”, between two worlds” of the French Daniel Vigne. 

Movies out of competition
More eclectic, this selection proposes subjects which seems to us, altogether, more attractive than those of the official selection.

Antonio, from the lali to the mobile
Thus from “Kanak” (New Caledonia), “Tavaka, story of islands and exiles” (France), “Toko Fenua” (Austria), “Antonio, from the lali to the mobile” (New Caledonia) or “The Polynesian truck” (French Polynesia).

By way of viaticum…
We shall have the opportunity, in your next articles, to return on all these subjects in detail and without waffle. Especially as, this year, we shall be two to cover the festival, what should allow us to bring back much more informations, sensations and meetings…

Indeed, for this 11th edition, our collaborator, Monak will receive her baptism of the FIFO…

In the meantime, don’t let pass this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to open eyes on the South Pacific, its marvels and its mysteries. Come in large numbers and…

Good FIFO to all!

An article of Julien Gué
Translated from French by Monak

Copyright Julien Gué. Ask for the author’s agreement before any reproduction of the text or the images on Internet or traditional press.

Read also our articles on the previous editions of the FIFO:

Tahiti, FIFO 2012

Palmarès FIFO 2012

Le FIFO 2013


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